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Genvest Group, LLC
121 East Water Street, Suite 200
Syracuse New York 13202

Sell to Us

Property Details

Your Information

Your first name.

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Your last name.

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Your email address.

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Your phone number.

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Your reson for selling.

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Property Information

Address of property you're selling.

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City of property you're selling.

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Only properties located within New York are applicable at this time.

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Zip Code of property you're selling.

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Type of property you're selling.

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If number exceeds options, enter manually.

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If number exceeds options, enter manually.

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Asking price of property you're selling.

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Additional Information

Listing status.

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Occupied status.

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Additional comments, if any.

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While photos are not mandatory, they can be helpful in the overall review process.

By clicking the Submit button, you are giving your consent to Genvest Group, LLC (Genvest) to review this information and/or share it within our network. This allows them and/or Genvest to contact you through telephone, mobile device (including SMS and MMS), and/or email (including automated dialing systems), even if your number is on a Do Not Call list. If you have any questions please contact us here.

© Genvest Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

© 2023- Genvest Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

© Genvest Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

© 2023- Genvest Group, LLC. All rights reserved.